A man with his leg wrapped stands from his couch using crutches.

Can You Represent Yourself In A Personal Injury Case?

Many injury victims wonder at one time or another whether they can represent themselves in compensation claims. While there is no law against doing so, the outcomes show that representing yourself against insurance companies and defense lawyers is a recipe for significantly reduced compensation — or none at all. How A Personal Injury Claim Works…

A man in a sling signing paperwork from the doctor after suffering a personal injury. On the desk is an open laptop and a stack of paperwork.

How Much Do I Ask for in a Personal Injury Settlement?

Knowing how much to ask for in a personal injury settlement after being injured by another’s negligence is crucial. However, most people have no idea how to accurately value their personal injury claim. This often results in accepting the initial settlement offer, which could leave them paying for medical bills and other losses out of…

The focus is on a newborn's legs while they are in the hospital.

Birth Injury: Erb’s Palsy and Other Brachial Plexus Injuries

  The birth of your child is supposed to be a time for joy and celebration. However, mistakes in the delivery room can cause your child to suffer needless injuries. One of these birth injuries is Erb’s palsy, a birth-related injury that impacts about 12,000 newborns each year, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Erb’s palsy…

An insurance adjuster inspects the damage on a vehicle after a car accident.

How To Deal With An At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company

If you have been in a car accident caused by another driver, knowing how to deal with the at-fault driver’s insurance company is important to protect your rights and achieve a successful outcome. However, dealing with the at-fault driver’s insurance company can be frustrating and overwhelming. As such, obtaining assistance from a car accident lawyer…