Colorado Springs Sexual Assault Attorney

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How To Recognize Sexual Assault

Sometimes, a sexual assault is obvious to a victim. In these situations, the question is not whether the person has been sexually assaulted but rather what the victim should do about it. Other times, the victim may be confused about what happened or wonder if they truly experienced a sexual assault.

Sexual assault can be thought of as any unwanted touching or threatened touching of a sexual nature. While rape and coerced sexual intercourse is perhaps the gravest form of sexual assault, it is by no means the only example. Other forms of sexual assault include:

  • Groping or fondling your private areas without your permission
  • Threatening harm to you or others if you do not submit to sexual advances
  • Touching of your neck or shoulders, such as a massage, if you do not invite such touching
  • Demeaning contact, such as being slapped on your buttocks
  • Any other touching of your body when done with sexual overtones

Recognizing sexual assault requires doing away with unhelpful and untrue stereotypes. For example, keep in mind that:

  • Sexual assault can happen to men and women
  • Everyone from the elderly to young children can be the victims of sexual assault
  • Often, the perpetrator is someone who is known to the victim
  • Perpetrators often try to normalize their behavior or create a situation where the victim feels shame about reporting the assault

If you are still unsure if you have been the victim of sexual assault, contact a Colorado Springs sexual assault lawyer from Bachus & Schanker. Our team will listen with compassion and empathy and help you understand what happened to you. Reach out to us; we are here to help and support you.

Legal Rights Of Sexual Assault Survivors In Colorado Springs

In addition to criminal prosecution, those responsible for your sexual assault can face justice in the civil court system. Through a sexual assault lawsuit, the court can order parties who are responsible for your sexual assault to pay you damages. These damages can help you pay for the following:

  • Any medical care or examination you needed
  • Emotional trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety
  • Relocation expenses, if you needed to move for your safety
  • Lost wages if your assault and resulting injuries caused you to miss work

You can also pursue punitive damages against certain responsible parties. Any person or entity that intentionally or recklessly allowed your sexual assault to occur can be ordered to pay you these additional damages.

Who Can Be Sued In A Sexual Assault Lawsuit In Colorado Springs?

The person who sexually assaulted you can be held civilly responsible for what they did to you, but they are by no means the only responsible party. 

Your Colorado Springs sexual assault attorney from Bachus & Schanker will look at your case carefully. When someone or some entity covered up the sexual assault, ignored your reports or dismissed warning signs suggesting an assault was imminent, you may have a claim.

Some of the other people and entities that may be responsible in some way for damages include:

  • Direct supervisors
  • Employers
  • Religious institutions
  • Schools and universities
  • Local and state government agencies

Suing these entities can be legally complicated. For this reason, it is best to consult with your attorney at Bachus & Schanker and allow us to pursue compensation for you. We will do so vigorously, working tirelessly to get you the damages you are owed.

Criminal Charges And Your Victim’s Advocate

In addition to civil proceedings, the state of Colorado may choose to bring criminal charges against the perpetrator of your sexual assault. When you retain Bachus & Schanker, you will be paired with one of our skilled and caring Victim Advocates who can help you navigate this confusing landscape.

Your advocate will:

  • Work with law enforcement and prosecutors to advocate for appropriate charges
  • Investigate your assault and share findings with law enforcement so the prosecutor has all the information needed to pursue a conviction
  • Advise you of the status of the criminal case and help prepare you for hearings
  • Ensure your rights as a victim under Colorado law are respected

Our Victim Advocates serve a vital role for our clients and provide a unique, welcoming experience. Your advocate is a wealth of information and will be there to walk with you and your legal team as you pursue justice.

Ready To Move Forward? Contact Bachus & Schanker Today

If you are ready to seek justice for your sexual assault, we are prepared to be your advocate and walk alongside you. We will be your voice. 


Chapter 3-4 Unlawful Sexual Behavior.
OVP: Victim Rights Act.
The Criminal Justice System: Statistics.

You Deserve Fair Compensation

Don’t let the insurance companies intimidate you into accepting less than you deserve. We’re ready to fight for you.

A headshot of personal injury attorney, Kyle Bachus.

Written and Legally Reviewed By: Kyle Bachus

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Kyle is a member of the Colorado Bar associations and has served on the Board of Directors of the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association for more than twenty years in total. Over the years, Kyle has achieved justice for many clients. He has served on numerous committees and repeatedly won recognition from his peers at both the state and national level. He is proud of the role he has played in the passage of state and national legislation to protect consumers and is a frequent speaker and guest lecturer.